In the Media
How to Train Hard
How do you keep going when your legs are dying, your lungs are burning and the little voice inside your head is screaming at you to stop? If you want to be the best you have to know how to train hard. That means to be able to push yourself to your limits. It’s...
A Physio is for life not just for injury
If you are one of those runners who only goes to see the physio when you are injured then maybe it’s time for a re-think. Especially if you are also one of those runners perpetually stuck in a cycle of boom and bust training. I know from first-hand experience the huge...
Can you be “too fit” for your legs?
"If you are too fit for your legs eventually they will fail!" Sometimes you read a sentence that resonates so strongly it literally stops you in your tracks. Ok so I'm paraphrasing here but the principle of being "too fit for your legs" is sound. Read more in my...
The Runners Guide to Parenting
My Runners Guide to Parenting. What does it feel like when your child starts competing in the sport that you love too? What makes a good parent in athletics? Read more in my latest article in Fast Running...
Fast Running – Getting back to running after having a baby
Getting back to running after having a baby can be harder than you expect. Read about my experience in my latest article. Knowing what to expect can help you get back to running after having a baby too. This piece was published on October 22, 2019 by Tom Craggs on...